The legendary greater Youngstown-area pizza contest took place in the summer of 2009. Belleria pepperoni went up against Pizza Joe's three-cheese bacon. Nicolini's greens and potato took a controversial first over Ianazone's pepper/pepperoni. We ate all of these pizzas, and about a dozen more, in one meal.
Great food is one of our family's favorite ways to have fun. We love to cook it, share it, eat it and talk about it. We talk about it while we're eating it and long after we've done the dishes. Most of us think a lot about how it tastes, and not so much about whether it's good for us.
But we have to change. Someone we love has to take better care of his heart. So we all will. This blog is supposed to help make that happen.
Our family is from Ohio, but we live across the country and the world now. We're all working on finding and creating low-fat, lower-salt recipes that still taste good. When we come up with winners, we'll share them here, along with any healthy-eating thoughts we might have.
About the name. Our blog's inspiration has never been a fan of vegetables. If you ask him why, he says he doesn't like a wet crunch.